Nativity - A Magical Christmas Jigsaw
During December we put on 3 performances of A Magical Christmas Jigsaw. There are some photographs here for you to enjoy and relive the moment. Thank you to everyone who helped us change the evening performance date at the last minute due to the poor weather.
Christmas Farmers Market
As usual we were invited to sing some of our Christmas songs in All Saint's Church during the Christmas Farmers Market. Lots of our children gave up their time to come along and join in and of course they sang beautifully led by Mrs Simpson.
Westmorland Services Singing
We visited Westmorland Services to sing Christmas songs in their entrance. We raised £144 for our singing from people who were passing by. To round off a lovely visit Father Christmas surprised us by popping in. He took us for a look round the shop and gave everyone a taste of some delicious Lancashire Cheese!
FOOS Wreath Making
The FOOS Wreath Making was well supported. It was such a relaxed evening of creativity led by Rachel from the Flower Shop In Kirkby Stephen. Well done to everyone who made a beautiful wreath.
Methodist Church Drop In
As we do every year our Key Stage 2 children visited the Methodist Church Drop in to sing some of our Christmas songs. The children sang and behaved beautifully. It was lovely to receive so much positive feedback from the audience, our children really make a difference in the community.
Lucy Potter came to tell us all about her experiences in Ankoma this Summer. She brought with us some bunting that the children in Ankoma made especially for us.
Children In Need
We all had great fun dressing up and doing a morning work out to raise money for Children in Need.
Class 2 Music
In their music lessons Class 2 learned some new Thank you songs from around the World with Miss Anderson. Miss Anderson had learned the songs from a friend called Tim in America. Class 2 videoed one of the songs to send at a thank you to Tim.
Remembrance Poppies
We worked with some members of the community to make poppies and then stitch them onto a new altar frontal for All Saints Church. The altar frontal will be used both in church and school for our Remembrance services. The finished worked looked beautiful.
World Mental Health Day
Looking after our mental health is really important to us at Orton CE School. It is an on going process where we encourage everyone to talk about problems and concerns. On World Mental Health Day we took part in a range of activities to support good mental health. These included playing football, yoga, playing games, reading stories and thinking about how special we are and who is important to us.
This half term all the children in Year 1 to 6 have been learning cooking skills in their DT lessons. We have made a wide range of recipes including using some of our own home grown produce.
Classes 3 and 4 spent the day at Growing Well nr Kendal.
Growing Well is a farm based charity who support people with mental health problems.
They provide a safe supportive environment , people go and can take part in a range of growing activities from making compost, planting seeds, nurturing seeds and plants and harvesting crops to then sell as part of a crop share scheme to local businesses.
Set in an area of 1250 square metres of indoor growing space, 3 yurts and other social spaces of over a 100 square metres. Around 15 tonnes of organic vegetables are grown on-site each year, which are then sold through a Crop Share (Vegetable Bag) scheme and via local retail and wholesale partners.
Set in an area of 1250 square metres of indoor growing space,
3 yurts and other social spaces of over a 100 square metres.
Around 15 tonnes of organic vegetables are grown on-site each year, which are then sold through a Crop Share (Vegetable Bag) scheme and via local retail and wholesale partners.
Royal Academy of Culinary Arts
The Royal Academy of Culinary Arts is Britain’s leading professional membership association of head chefs, head pastry chefs, restaurant managers and suppliers (associates) providing education, career opportunities and the recognition of talent and skills of current and future hospitality professionals.
As part of ‘Adopt a School’, the Academy’s charity delivering food culture and cookery education to primary schools the children had the opportunity to work with a Head Chef from the academy.
Preparing, looking at a variety of textures, tastes and then cooking in a yurt was all very exciting.
Especially as it was our lunch!